Our Mission

ePrequal's mission is to provide closing agents and consumers real time strategic decision tools to allow them to decide at the earliest possible moment the most timely, professional, and cost effective package of services to close their real estate and mortgage transaction.

ePrequal.com offers strategic financing solutions to home buyers, and provides a high quality lead generation program to Point of Sale Agents (Realtors, New Home Sales Agents, mortgage brokers and Affinity Marketing Agents). By leveraging its brand strength, consumer marketing expertise and technological capabilities gained from 20 years of lending and real estate experience of the parent company, ePrequal.com provides Home Buyers quick decision tools and its POS Agent Network with targeted, motivated, and prequalified, potential homebuyers typically within the magic 90 day point of making a home buying decision. At the same time it has the ability to execute the offer internally thru its parent company WRFCO and their nationwide capability. ePrequal.com is owned and operated by WRFCO, Interactive

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Our Mission

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