1. Receive ePrequal preapproval
Preapproval will be based on an initial input of information of the home your might want to buy and personal information, your finances, such as income, job history, credit history and other credit factors. Our simple questionnaire asks about:
- What price range or loan size you are interested in?
- What is your current income?
- What are your outstanding consumer debts such as car loans, credit card payments, or other personal loans?
When you submit the short data input screen, ePrequal runs your information through our proprietary an Automated Underwriting System “AUS”. You will receive an answer in 1 minute emailed back to you. You will receive a Certificate of Home Buying Power, an (optional) Free Credit Report w/ Scores, a Financial Summary of the transaction, Multiple Loan Options, and more!
If you are denied, we will invite you to call our experts in Customer Service and discuss how to review the application to get you quickly approved to buy a home.
If you're house-shopping, a preapproval letter tells your Realtor and the seller you already qualify for a loan – a definite advantage when they're considering your bid.
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